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Lazy River
Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Ingin berenang santai atau bermalas-malasan di atas ban karet sambil melihat-lihat pemandangan di kawasan Pondok Indah Waterpark? Susuri saja kolam arus atau Lazy River. Dilengkapi dengan teknologi yang menciptakan arus pelan searah, pengunjung bisa berenang menyusuri kolam arus tanpa perlu mengerahkan banyak tenaga. Pengunjung juga bisa bersantai di atas ban karet tanpa capek-capek mendorong atau mendayung.

Lazy River berada di dekat kapal Viking dengan fitur water war yang seru. Terdapat juga element tambahan untuk menambah efek relaksasi berupa air terjun yang berada di jembatan diatas Flow Rider. Dengan kedalaman 1 meter, Lazy River aman dinikmati seluruh anggota keluarga, namun dengan tetap memperhatikan keselamatan anak dibawah usia 6 tahun. Bawa seluruh anggota keluarga anda untuk merasakan atmosfir efek terapi air dan bermain air bersama.



Want a relaxing swim or just being lazy on the top of the rubber tires while you see the sights in the area of Pondok Indah Waterpark? Just going along the Lazy River. Equipped with technology that creates a slow flow, visitors can swim down the Lazy River without exerting much effort. Visitors can also relaxing on the top of rubber tires without having to push or rowing.

Lazy River is near the Viking ship with exciting water war features. There is also an additional element to add the relaxing effect in the form of waterfalls located on the bridge above the Lazy River. With a depth of 1 meter, Lazy River safely enjoyed by the whole family, but by remaining attentive to the safety of children under 6 years old. Bring your whole family to feel the atmosphere of the therapeutic effects of the water and splashing along.